Skylake Insurance of Lauderdale Has You Covered
You may have great health insurance coverage in the U.S., but most of those benefits don’t extend overseas. If you need medical attention when you’re traveling, it could be difficult to find the right care—and you may have no coverage and face unexpected medical bills. Why take the chance?
International healthcare coverage is designed to make it easy for you to access care while traveling the world.

Go See the World. We’ve Got You Covered.
- Ideal for international leisure, missionary or business travel.
- Coverage of COVID-19 testing and treatment. †
- Post-departure trip interruption transportation benefit up to $1,000*.
- Quarantine benefits up to $50 per day, for 10 days*.
- Choice of varying medical limits and deductibles.
- For trips outside the U.S. up to 6 months for ages 95 and younger*.
- Covers pre-existing conditions for medical services and medical evacuation, for individuals with a current U.S. health plan.

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Yes, You Need Travel Medical Insurance
Take Skylake Insurance of Lauderdale with you and travel with confidence.